Colloquium on the Archaeology and Geology of Mills and Milling (Almería, marzo 5-8, 2014)

16/11/13 .-

5º coloquio sobre el tema de molinos (después de los que tuvieron lugar en La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, Grenoble, Roma y Bergen va a celebrarse el próximo año en Almería, España (marzo 5-8, 2014) bajo el título de:

Tilting at mills: The 5th International Colloquium on the Archaeology and Geology of Mills and Milling

El coloquio se iniciará con un discurso de apertura por Natàlia Alonso (la noche del miércoles) y será seguido por dos días de presentaciones. Una excursión al asentamiento prehistórico de Los Millares y a las canteras romanas de molinos manuales en el distrito volcánico de Cabo de Gata, está prevista para el último día (sábado).

Second call for papers

This is the second call to the above colloquium. We remind you that time is passing and if you plan to participate, please send your insciption and inscription fee without delay as we have had many expressions of interest.
The Almería Colloquium follows the highly successful colloquia held at La-Ferté-sous-Jouarre (2002), Grenoble (2005), Rome (2009) and Bergen (2011). The proceedings will open on the evening of 5th March with a keynote lecture (Prof Natalia Alonso) and will be followed by two days of papers and posters. The final day (8th March) will be devoted to an excursion after which the colloquium will close. The conference will take place in the Museo Arqueológico of Almería with the kind permission of the Consejería de Cultura,
Junta de Andalucía and the museum director Arturo del Pino Ruiz.
There are numerous hotels in Almería, but the Vita Gran Hotel, Avenida Reina Regente, 8, is nearby and has been designated as the conference. Special rates: €55 single, €60 double, breakfast and taxes included.
For reservation send email to: or call ++34 950 238011 (using keyword: colloquium millstones/molinos).
Almería is served by Iberia fl ights from the Madrid hub, and Vueling from the Barcelona hub. Alternatively, it is possible to fl y to Málaga, Murcia or Granada and take the comfortable and very reasonable express bus to Almería (details
A registration fee of € 55 or £50 is required and papers or posters cannot be accepted until this is received.
Please complete the form below and return it either via email ( or to a postal address below with your cheque or proof of bank transfer no later than 15th December 2013.
The colloquium will follow the pattern established at La-Ferté, Grenoble, Rome and Bergen, with the following broad themes:

1. Ancient, medieval and recent millstone quarries

2. Quality, production and trade in querns and millstones. Economic quantifi cation. To include archaeometrical studies.

3. Millstones in action: agriculture, ore processing, glass making. To include ethnographic studies.

4. Protection and evaluation of millstone quarries

5. Poster sessions

These themes are intended to be indicative, but there will be no restrictions on other topics being included and there will be no chronological constraints.
20 minutes maximum is allocated for individual lectures. If the quantity of contributions exceeds the time available, a selection may be made. The remaining papers can be presented as posters. The colloquium languages will be Spanish, English, Italian, French and German.
There are many restaurants and tapas bars near the museum for lunch on Thursday and Friday.
A conference dinner will be held on the evening of 7th March at cost of €38. There will be an excursion to the Prehistoric settlement of Los Millares and the quern quarries of Cabo de Gata on Saturday, which will cost €40. If you would like to attend the excursion and the meal, please tick the appropriate boxes below and add the total cost to the registration fee.


Timothy Anderson, David Peacock and David Williams
Almería Colloquium 5th-8th March 2014

Tilting at Mills

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