7th International Symposium "14C & Archaeology" 8-12 April 2013 Ghent, Belgium

9/9/12 .- http://arkeogazte.blogspot.com.es

The 7th International Symposium “14C & Archaeology” will be organized by Ghent University, department of Archaeology(section Pre- and Protohistory), and the Royal institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK/IRPA), laboratory of radiocarbon dating.

The congress will be organised in general sessions and monographic sessions.

General sessions

Proposals for oral and poster presentations can be submitted only in English. Oral presentations may not last longer than 20 min. Posters should be made according to the following measurements: A0 (841x1189 mm) in portrait orientation, A1 (594x841 mm) in landscape orientation
Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations are no longer than one full A4 page and should not include figures. The aims, methods and results should be clearly highlighted.
The deadline for submission of the abstracts is 15 December 2012.

Monographic sessions
imitacion golden goose
Proposals for the organisation of a session focusing on a specific topic can also be submitted. A monographic session includes 4 to 6 oral contributions of each max. 20 min. The proposer of a monographic session is responsible for its organisation, i.e. contacting contributors, assembling and submitting of abstracts, chairing session, etc. Proposals, including all abstracts. should be submitted before the end of October 2012. The organisers will decide whether the proposal is accepted or not before the end of December 2012.

Más información / Informazio gehiago: http://www.radiocarbon2013.ugent.be

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